Massa Marittima - Hotel dei Conti Toscana - Castelnuovo Val di Cecina - Pisa

The centre of Massa Marittima is situated on the "Colline Metallifere" (Hills) and develops towards the "pianura maremmana" (plain).

The town is built in the later part of the Middle Ages around Monte Regio, the hill which gives its name to the typical wine brands produced in this area. Around the year thousand the bishop seat of Populonia was put there. After having suffered the initial dominion of Pisa, Massa Marittima became progressively autonomous until it finally became a free Municipality in the 13th century. Anyway, the town was conquered by Siena in the following Century and was kept under the dominion of Siena until the second part of the 16th century when it became part of the "Granducato di Toscana".


The following museums and sites are included in the network of the museums of the Maremma ("Rete museale della Maremma" (Colline Metallifere).

  • Archaeological Museum (Palazzo del Podestà)
  • Museum of art and history of the mines
  • Museum of the mines
  • Museum of sacred art and exposing centre for contemporary art "A. Martini"
  • Tower of the Chandelier
  • Ancient Oil press
  • Ancient carpentry
  • Archaeological park of the lake "Lago dell'Accesa"
  • Museum of the ancient Mill (locality Ghirlanda)

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